Medieval wedding scroll

Large pieces of handaged paper decorated in medieval style delight me sooo much! So,  I immensely enjoyed creating this kalidar :-)!

The first step is to prepare a large piece of aged paper, in the dimensions of 50 * 70 cm.
Good preparation is half the work - it is important to plan everything and place it on the paper. In good company, with the infallible cup of coffee ;-).
My rule is to do the calligraphy first - there is no point in making the surrounding illumination and THEN calligraphy! Because - one drop of ink on the wrong placee is enough to spoil the whole effort. In good company, with the inevitable cup of coffee ;-).
After ink, comes the painting. I chose flowers that symbolize marital happiness, loyalty, love and protection.
Picture of the final product: -) !!!
Illuminated details, painted with acrylic, decorated with gold ink.
Packed in a decorative box. Decorated with a handmade sticker, with a symbol of love in the symbol of unity, eternity, harmony and the trine spirit.