Ode To Love – 1 Corinthinians, 13

Welcome to the Story of Love!

This time, told through one Kalidar, my greatest so far.
How can it not be – it is the WHOLE long text of Chapter 13 of the 1st Epistle
of St. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians.
This strong message of Love written is in sumptuous Calligraphy, completely personalized, above all unique and rich in woven symbolism.
The story is long, as this whole project is.
I will not omit any part, so see for Yourself!

Everyone is familiar with the often quoted text of verses 4-8:

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
 Love never fails.’’

This was my Client’s wish, to make a very special calligraphy wedding gift for Her
Ivana and Dominik.

She wanted an idea different from the ones I already offer,
so I came up with 3 new suggestions.

While thinking about this, my dear Mrs. D. changed Her mind and decided we will make the ENTIRE text!

I have to admit I felt pretty … challenged?

Even a little … terrified… by the amount of that text, but also indescribably excited, because I was finally given the opportunity to make such a long calligraphy scroll – a really worthwhile challenge, wouldn’t You agree?

The adventure can finally begin. It all starts with a good sketch. No matter how big the paper is, it is not easy to perfectly arrange and write 55 lines of text, written in the combination  of 6 different Scripts😮🙃!

After considering the ideas, I finally made two sketches and presented them to my client. Which one do You prefer?

An important step is to prepare the paper for work. I love using as hard white paper as possible, which I make look old – I really like (and also my clients☺) the effect it leaves. I make it old-aged it with strong black coffee, on an ideal base – a glass table.
P.S.I always prepare two, in case something “goes wrong”.

She opted for option 2, with the arch from sketch 1.
The Work can begin!!!

The sketch was transferred to paper with a pencil. I know You don’t see it, but most important here is – that I do 😉

 The most stressful part of any Calligraphy project is  – the Calligraphy itself. All the other illuminations around it “fall into the water”, if Calligraphy is not P-E-R-F-E-C-T.
At least 99%, that is☺.

Thank God it came out ~ perfectly. The second time, haha ☺.

After careful Calligraphy, follows ~ adding the agreed colors into this story ~
my Client chose Blue and Green for the main ones.

I painted the gold circles first.
Gold – Wealth, Honor, Triumph, Glory

Next, the green details
Green – Health, Happiness, Abundance, Hope, Love, Fertility

Then the blue ones.
Blue – Loyalty, Loyalty, Security, Honesty, Wisdom

Lastly, the silver ones.
Silver – Patience, Kindness, Spirituality, Caring, Kindness, Intelligence

The surrounding pillars have circles in which are written/painted the letters of Their names, in the Lombardic capitals Script.
Between the circles are the flowers of Myrtle,
symbol of Marital Love, Happiness and Good Wishes.

There are also several circles on the central upper part of the scroll – in the center is a circle surrounded with golden braid. Inside it is a silver cross, around which two gold rings are intertwined forming a symbol of Infinity. 

Around the center, on each side, is a circle with one white Dove, symbols of Love, Peace, Caring, Intelligence and Faithfulness.
They hold Palm and Olive branches in their mouths, symbolizing Marital Peace and Harmony, Loyalty, Devotion and Devotion.

It’s a lot of symbolism, isn’t it?

At the bottom is another symbol of Eternal and Harmonious Love ~ Heart in Triquetra.

As in all my Kalidaris, on the other side of this Beauty, are information about the Scripts and Symbols used.

In addition, a dedication was added, 1 John: 4: 7-8.

For this Jewell I got a special idea for its practical handling ~ adding gold wooden sticks that I glued to the top and bottom 
~ now it truly is a real Medieval Scroll!

for the wooden rods, I thank my dear friends from Manufactura Historica

A special accessory is this beautiful ribbon with sewn-on leaves, with which this Scroll can be hung and used immediately… ☺

… as soon as It is taken out of the box ~ specially decorated for this occasion ~ with the paper in dark green color of True Love
and a handmade sticker with the above – mentioned Heart.

Trust me, after so much socializing with this amazing Scroll, it was hard for me to part with It, but …

I also could hardly wait to see a happy result, when the Newlyweds get their gift ~
I hear they were thrilled

Travel safely, bring Love&Blessings 👐!

Of all this Work, I recorded 4GB of content – pictures and videos. It took me a long time to put them together in my biggest video so far!!!

It simply HAD to be accompanied by some perfect Music.
And so it  came to me, the otherworldly beautiful song of the genius Spanish author
Ivan Torrent, called “Immortalys” ft. Irene Rodriguez.

I thank Him also here once more, from the bottom of my Heart, for allowing me to use it in the video – which unfortunately You can’t see here, (because my site doesn’t (yet) support video content), but take a look at my Facebook and Instagram.

Ivan Torrent, Immortalys

Thank you for reading all this, I warmly thank you for your Attention, Support and Love.

Until the next project, I send You Love & Blessings

with Love, Darja

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