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50th birthday Anniversary gift


50th birthday anniversary personalized present.This one I made for my dearest aunt and Her husband. They are one of my favorite couples, and are a beautiful example of Life in Support, Union, Love and Balance🥰.

They are both Libras in horoscope, hence the motiv of Libra and the quote of unity, which is produced in a combination of beautiful Copperplate (17th-20th century), Lombardic Capitals (11th-16th century) and uncial (2nd-9th century) scripts. The letters are written with calligraphy pen in blue and purple ink, decorated with golden and silver ink, and painted with acrylic paint, on a very hard and old paper, that I additionally made look old with my coffee magic🧚‍♀️.
The Symbols I chose are Triquetra, representing Unity in Spirit, surrounded with a Heart, a universal symbol of Love. The is A3 sign (30*40 cm), but I can create what You want in any size needed.

Available on back-order

The text says: Never above You, never below You, always by Your side” as instruction for Love  – full of respect, compassion, Joy and Harmony⚖️🥰.

Note: the price may vary if there are more personalized details than on the example, which includes additional design and production time. The final price also depends on where I send your gift.

Dimensions 40 × 30 cm

No frame, Plastic frame with details A3

Historical script/s

Carolingian minuscule (8-12th century), Copperplate (17th-20th century), Early gothic script (11th cntury), Fraktur (16-17th century), Insular Majuscule (9th-12th century), Italic (16th-17th century), Lombardic capitals (11-16th century), Roman capital letters (1st century-), Roman rustic (1st-5th century), Square Roman Capitals (1st-5th century), Textura quadrata (12th-16th century), Uncial script (2nd-9th century)


aged paper, hand-aged paper, hard paper in color

Postal service

Croatia – by agreement – depending on the quantity, Everywhere else – additional, by the price of the postal service


40*30cm, custom


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