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Medieval scroll as Wedding gift


This absolutely amazing and unique wedding gift is a special song of 16 stanzas, that a Father wrote for His beloved daughter and Her husband, as a gift for Their wedding day. I had only 5 days for this huge piece, so I didn’t have time to put gold on the letters, as usual. But I did find time to add a surrounding illumination. I added  the little figures of these two passionate musicians and put Lily (symbol of Marriage, protection of Family and Progeny) in Her hands and Horn of Plenty (which symbolizes Abundance but also, Music in this case 🎶🥰.

Tell me with Your wishes (- preferably on time) and I am sure You will be satisfied with what I will create for You and Your loved ones.

Available on back-order

The dimensions of this inscription are 70*100 cm. It has cca 400 words written in beautiful elegant and not famous enough Caroline minuscule script (8th-12th century).

It comes with wooden rods (usually gold, can be different color) so it can immediately used and hanged on a beautiful decorative ribbon. It is packed in a suitable gift box, ready to be given.

So, You just have to make a wish – and leave the rest to me 😎!

This is the round price for a scroll such this one. Let us agree about the details and the price of Your jewell 🤗!


Dimensions 70 × 40 cm

100*70cm, custom

Historical script/s

Carolingian minuscule (8-12th century), Copperplate (17th-20th century), Early gothic script (11th cntury), Fraktur (16-17th century), Insular Majuscule (9th-12th century), Italic (16th-17th century), Lombardic capitals (11-16th century), Roman capital letters (1st century-), Roman rustic (1st-5th century), Square Roman Capitals (1st-5th century), Textura quadrata (12th-16th century), Uncial script (2nd-9th century)


aged paper, hand-aged paper, hard paper in color

Postal service

Croatia – free, Everywhere else – additional, by the price of the postal service


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