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Quote with the Rose in color of choice


Express Your Love with a Rose! It doesn’t have to be the Red Rose, whose meaning is: I love you, great Love and Passion. For Love, of course can come in many forms and relationships, not necessarily intimate ones.
With the White Rose, express Love for a member of the Family, grandmother, grandson … Choose Pink, symbolizing Happiness, Tenderness and Bliss that you feel towards Parents or Sisters and Brothers. Give the Yellow Rose of true Friendship to your True Friend, and express eternal Love and Faithfulness with the Blue Rose. So, choose 🙂

Perfect unique calligraphy gift, a special token of attention for a holiday like Valentine’s Day – as they are decorated with Roses, the Queen of Love. Each inscription contains a quote selected to match the meaning of the Rose color. Each is made in one of the medieval historical scripts.
Add a personal note to the back of the inscription.

If You want a combination that is not offered, or You have Your own saying or script, we will agree :-).

Take a look at the letters You can choose from in the Gallery of Scripts.

Note: the price may vary if there are more personalized details than in the example, which includes additional design and production time.


Dimensions N/A
Color variant

blue, pink, red, white, yellow




hand-aged paper


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