Completely handmade kalidar

As You already know by now, my products (except for the purchased paper and materials, are completely handmade. As for the packaging, I usually buy a finished frame and paint some details of it, and a gift box on which I draw my logo … But with
this product, I admit, I had more effort about the packaging and all those additional parts than about the calligraphy itself  – the result is so much delighted both me and my client that I dedicated the whole blog to this beauty!


Let’s start with the first and in this case, the easiest part – a kalidar was requested, whose text is already well known to You and which You have already seen in several variants – still my bestseller – the quote ”This too shall pass” – this time in Hebrew!

Until now, I’ve only had one opportunity to write in this ancient script, and that was when I got my first order – a psalm for
a tattoo, so I was especially happy.

My client requested the text to be in green ink, bordered with gold.

On this misterious language, I wrote the inscription in a new language to me – Romanian (I’d wish to hear it live).

,,Watch your thoughts. They become words.
Watch your words. They become action.
Watch your actions. They become habits.
Watch your habits. They become character.
Watch over your character. It becomes your destiny…”

Maybe one day I will make a kalidar of this text, it is really great :-)!

Now we come to the first “problem” or challenge – my client wisely selected a perfect handmade weaving paper frame, that  fits perfectly with the sign – not because it’s from my store, but it’s really fascinating how they complete each other! complete each other!

But, those frames are not made by me, but by my talented friend, who was on a vacation atm. I didn’t want to disappoint the client, nore did I want to give up.
Luckily, (from the previous order of the same quote in Persian), I had left one red frame in the required dimensions. So we agreed that this time I would paint the frame in the desired green gold color.

P-E-R-F-C-T, right?

Then came the second… challenge 🙂

Also, I offer you the option to order your kalidaris wrapped as a gift, even without the gift box, so that they are  immediately ready to be given. When my clients order a gift box, I hope to be able to find a box of the right size, but  sometimes it’s really challenging
– as in this case.

I went to all of the stores and couldn’t find what I needed. So, I decided to make it myself. I bought one (rather expensive
box in Muller) that was at least in the needed dimensions.


My client wished the gift box to be green, to match the frame. So, I painted them together the box and the frame, in the
same shade of deep green box, with a touch of gold.

cca 3-4-5layers of paint, to be perfect!

As much as I carefully painted the edges, somewhere a crumb of paint still crossed over – so I used beautifully ornamented
adhesive tape, to “fix” the edge – and the box got another lovely addition!

In my favourite supply store (Rajčić&Ribičić), I found some silver corners.
I painted them in gold and put them on the top, to additionally decorate it!

Believe me, it looks even more beautiful live !!!

I was so happy with my work in the end, as I really tried a lot about it :-).

But my effort paid off, as evidenced by my client’s wonderful comment on Etsy :-)!

Thank You for Your attention!

Just to remind You – that You too can order Your kalidar
in the frame of the desired color, and also
in a box of any shade You can imagine :-)!


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